ALUMINUM in first place among building materials

ALUMINUM in first place among building materials
From a recent study by ANCE (National Association of Building Constructors) on the materials most used by construction companies, it emerged that aluminum is the most used material for the realization of fixtures.
In a scale of use, aluminum is in first place with a share of 53%, followed by wood at 19%, wood-aluminum at 15% and PVC which stops at 7%.
In October 2018, thanks to the collaboration with FederlegnoArredo, the ANCE Research Center developed a survey that was brought to the attention of all those associated construction companies to understand which materials were used most by businesses for the construction of residential and non-residential buildings.
The survey was successful and will also be valid for the two-year period 2018-2020, with a particular focus not only on completed constructions but also on those being completed.
Furthermore, it emerged that the use of aluminum for the realization of the fixtures reaches the 90% share, both in the residential and non-residential market.
As far as housing is concerned, in recent years it has depopulated the use of materials such as reinforced concrete and reinforced concrete / steel which have reached a utilization rate of over 70%. Followed by 14% reinforced concrete and wood for the non-residential sector, at 3%.
While on the one hand the use of wood has dropped, for the finishes of residential buildings it is able to withstand 24%, only after ceramics at 61%. The non-housing sector, on the other hand, is finding an increasingly significant use of the resins followed extremely by ceramics.
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